latest android update (Android Nougat 7.0)
00:55The final release date of android nougat 7.0 is end of september 2016.
Android nougat is out right now, but when you will get the upgrade is going to depend on a few criteria. if you have a nexus 6p, nexus 5x, nexus6, nexus9, nexus player or a android one device you will soon get the upgrade. if you have nexus 5 you have miss out on android nougat.
Galaxy owner could easily be waiting until february or march 2017 for the first samsung android 7.0 update.
Even then galaxy note 7 to get it first with galaxy S7 and S7edge, following later and the note5, S6, S6edge, galaxy S8 nad S8edge both arrive in early 2017 running 7.0 out of the box.
LG have boldly claimed that it will have the first new android nougat phone to launch on tuesday september 6. LG V20 set to launch with dual camera. we don't know about the LG G5, LG V10, or LG G4 update. but the company may announce more detail at it press conference, So saty tuned.
Sony android 7.0 update could arrive as early as start of march 2017, as the same time as the first galaxy device.
Five month after 7.0 (february 2017).
HTC has confirmed it will be bringing android nougat to the HTC10, oneA9, and one M9,
by end of the 2016, by the htc has also told Techradar the one M8 will not get upgrade.
MOTO owners will likely still get the motorola android 7.0 update lot earlier than most.
the moto X pure edition got it first update to marshmallow on dec.7 2015.
moto owner could be the first nexus owner to see android 7.0 in 2016.
The Xiaomi android update 7.0 based on it most recent update performance.
Xiaomi owner won't see it until six month after google release it. in the best case Xiaomi meet its timeline and has the out it late december 2016 and early january 2017.